Knife Plugin for Atlassian Stash
A knife plugin that allows you to tag nodes in bulk using simple search queries
Report on stale Chef Server nodes/cookbooks, clean up data integrity issues from a knife-ec-backup object based backup and prune them from your Chef Server!
A knife plugin to create and update topologies consisting of multiple nodes.
knife-plugin for twitter.
Knife Plug-in to print a chart of all cookbooks and the version constraints contained in each environment.
Also highlights which cookbook versions are frozen, which constraints are 'behind' the latest version, and if any constraints are obsolete (i.e. cookbook does not exist).
Out put can be either to the console, or in html format.
Knife(Chef) plugin for Z Cloud.
Run chef-client at remote node with chef-zero(local-mode) via HTTP over SSH port fowarding.
ohai plugins to detect OCaml and Haskell (GHC).
Just a test to pull in a compliance profile to test in test kitchen
Ohai plug-in to gather lvm layout.
Updated to Ohai Version 7. Thanks to Stephen Wright for the update.
A chef compliance profile to help troubleshoot download issues with chef-compliance and the audit cookbook.
Proxmox OHAI plugin fixes ipaddress attribute read from a proxmox node by ohai. Without this plugin, every node will have ipaddress, and knife ssh wont work
INSPEC profile for RHEL6 STIG -
A reliable Chef API client with a clean syntax
A library InSpec compliance profile containing an ssl_certificate resource that allows you to validate your SSL Certificates for properties like: key size, hash algorithm, days before expire, existence, trust, etc